Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Building Positive Teacher Student Relationships

Teacher-student relationship has numerous benefits for the teacher and the student in the classroom. There are different types of relationships between the teachers and the students. They include that of being a mentor, being friends or a parental figure. However, in the recent decade, a new type of relationship that is unlawful and illegal has developed. When the connection between the student and the teacher starts being that of more than friends, it disadvantages the student. The teacher-student†¦ 2. Student-teacher relationships-To improve my student-teacher relationship the first thing I will do is get to know my students. I need to find out what they like and dislike, and become approachable. This will help me and the student in the long run because we will have some goodwill built with each other, and they may be able to come to me with personal issues that are hindering their learning. The second thing I would do is listen to my students. It is a sort of dictatorship in the classroom†¦ will begin to normalize certain aspects of ideology. â€Å"The social roles that we occupy throughout our lifetime, like child, student, or employee place us in relationships of unequal power and as a result of ideological value hierarchies†(139). This though is considered norm just like a student is supposed to/expected to do their homework. The relationship between teacher and student is a common one. The next function is privileging basically states that people of power are more important than others.†¦ collaborate with colleagues. Collaboration between colleagues build relationships among teachers and plays a significant role in the growth of an educator. There are many positives to collaboration but communication is essential. We all have different perspectives, and ideas and when people meet, conflict can arise because of the many differences. Furthermore, the personality of teachers can also clash when a group meets. As a teacher leader, it is important to understand colleagues and that can be†¦ Teaching a specialism of any matter requires the teacher themselves to be competent and confident with their own abilities first. To be a competent carpenter requires lots of experience, dedication and time – without dedication, you will not put in the time and in turn not gain the experience. Hence dedication is a fundamental element, which is expressed to all the construction students at Harlow College, in order for them to succeed. Dedication goes hand in hand with motivation, motivation is developed†¦ are three examples of ways a teacher can build a positive relationship with students: a. Making clear relationship between student and teacher is one of respect. This important so the student knows that you are their mentor and you are on their team. You want them to be successful and see it through that they are successful. Always be the student’s personal cheerleader! b. Knowing about the student’s home life is important when building a relationship with the student. By knowing about the student’s†¦ Teacher relationship and the effects on students At a young age, children are molded by the adults around them, shaping how they socially develop and their cognitive development. Once the child is at a school age, the most important adult around them beside family is their teacher. Thus the teacher-student relationship is formed and it must be a positive atmosphere to ensure the child to grow mentally and emotionally. Student-teacher relationships are studied and is found to have a correlation with†¦ Student-Teacher Relationships Create Positive Learning Environments When it comes to the topic of education, most of us will readily agree that a positive connection with a teacher is an essential part of learning and growing as a student. Where this agreement usually ends, however, is on the question of will positive student-teacher relationships improve student behavior? While administrators are convinced that strict discipline is the only answer for classrooms, psychologists believe that positive†¦ Student teacher relationship is very important inside of a classroom. With this relationship students and teachers will most likely do great inside of the class, but without this relationship students are more likely to not do well. Throughout this semester, I have learned a lot about how any why these relationship is key to the success of both students and teachers. Successful student-relationship enables good outcomes for both students and teachers. According to Mester et al. we must first see†¦ The teacher student relationship is very important for children. Children spend approximately 5 to 7 hours a day with a teacher for almost 10 months. We ask ourselves what is considered a good teacher? All of us have gone through schooling, and if fortunate had a favorite teacher. A positive relationship between the student and the teacher is difficult to establish, but can be found for both individuals at either end. The qualities for a positive relationship can vary to set a learning experience†¦

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