Thursday, January 2, 2020

My Writing That I Did Not Know Before - 910 Words

Over the course of this class I have learned many things about writing that I did not know before, because I never had any great instruction before i came to college. In Grade school and high school, when I got back a graded paper there would just be words crossed out, or punctuation corrections. There would never be any explanation as to why I need to correct this, or why this is wrong. I would go over the corrections and wonder how this is wrong and why does a comma go there but why doesn t a comma go here. When reading the corrections and notes you made on each of my papers this year, I more easily understood why something was wrong. I might not have made the same corrections in the next paper, but each paper I got back I understood what was wrong, and what I needed to do to correct it. I think I understood more about writing with each paper that I wrote this year. I might not have shown it with each paper because I seem to always make the same errors. I always get mixed up when u sing singular and plural nouns, using the same adjective throughout the paper, and not being descriptive. I knew after you made the corrections why something is wrong, but I never seemed to make the corrections myself, because I have a habit of making those same mistakes, and because it sounds like it is right to me because I speak that way myself. Those errors I made in each of my papers seemed to be right at the time of me writing them, but when you pointed them out to me after giving backShow MoreRelatedMy Writing On My Grammar Essay1156 Words   |  5 PagesThroughout this course I feel that I have immensely improved my writing skills. Before taking this class, I really disliked writing. I would much rather read than write. I never wanted to take this class, but my parents strongly encouraged me to because they wanted me to be challenged in school. I was terrified to be in a college level class with seniors and a bunch of other people I did not know. 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